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Changes To Our Page: Feedback Received and Responded

A feedback form was released on the 20th May 2024 to the public. This form asked a few simple questions such as would you recommend our page, what would you rate our page and what you prefer seeing on our page etc. We can now confirm that this feedback form has now closed. We have been looking into all the feedback and are now happy to announce changes to our page which will be explained throughout this article.

A lot of you said you were either unsure about recommending our page or that you likely would, which is not a bad thing but it does allow us to know that we need to improve in set things to get that number up which we will aim to do over the next month. We received medium ratings when it came to rating our page sitting around 3.14 out of 5; despite this being good there is room for improvement on this to try get our rating up.

We asked what you all liked to see on our page and we asked you to rank them in order and the options were game reports; Articles; Player profiles; signing and departure news; and rumours. These are the key things we post apart from game reports however, we have plans to go back to them.

The most liked content on our page is signing and departure news which means we will continue with that but we will now be doing a few things with that news. We will make our standard post saying who they have signed with along with a small summary and a graphic with the players stats from their last season with their latest team (Please note we will only include league stats from their latest team only). Along with this in the morning of the day after the set signings we will post an article addressing all the signings with an in depth player profile with them. 

The second most liked thing was rumours; we do post a lot of rumours as a rumour is indeed news and many news pages and companies tend to report on sporting rumours however, after long talks with our sources and a few conversations with partners we will be changing how we do rumours. We will no longer be posting rumours the way we do instead we will be working with UK Ice Hockey Rumours (on X) and we will have news articles on the rumours they post going in depth about the player and their possible move to the rumoured team along with what they can bring to the league and team. We will be working closely with our partners NIHL Hockey Rumours (on X) and will be doing the same with rumours they tell us/post linking to the Elite Ice Hockey League (EIHL). We are aware of recent accusations of alt accounts being made to copy rumours from set accounts however, we can confirm that these accusations are false, please ignore these as they aren’t true.

Game reports were 3rd rated and we will resume these during the season and player profiles were rated 4th however, we will be stopping these and bringing back the where are they now articles.

Despite being rated the least favourite, articles won’t be going away, instead they will be making more appearances as we have now set up things and deals to bring the best of articles to everyone. We will have articles supporting almost every news we hear.

Despite a fair bit of abusive feedback comments, we did get some helpful ones. We have noted all the feedback comments and put in measures and goals to improve on things. We have put in place a writer role for our page and we will make sure all articles are proofread a few times and up to a good standard before posting. There will be changes to features to make the writing on them more readable. We will also be doing a post asking for feedback monthly as the voice of our followers is very important to us.

We hope all these changes will help grow our audience and make fans happier. 

Any disrespectful or hateful comments will receive disciplinary actions. Please if you want to voice your opinion, do it respectfully. 

If you have any questions or feedback for us please do send us a message or email.

Messages will be accepted on EIHL News Central’s facebook page and emails will be accepted to Please do not contact personal accounts only the EIHL News Central page and email.

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