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Spencer Naas speaks out about EIHL schedule: Is It Time To Change?

First Tom Coolen, now Spencer Naas, is the EIHL schedule a problem that needs urgent attention? A topic previous covered by Fife Free Press journalist Allan Crow, is being spoken about by everyone around the EIHL. 

Tom Coolen kept it no secret that he was not a fan of the EIHL schedule; the Saturday/Sunday game pattern was proving to be an issue for the Canadian coach and his squad as they were competing unreal amounts each month; in December the Fife Flyers played 12 big games which meant three games a week which saw them travel up and down the UK, barely getting any rest. Crow, A. (2024) stated that the players voiced their opinions on it in the locker room and they weren’t too happy about it.

Now Spencer Naas has spoken out about the EIHL schedule since making the move to Germany, he stated “eventually I’d like to see the league switch to more of a Friday/Sunday game schedule. Back-to-backs with travel are especially tough on players. I think the change would lead to attracting and retaining more talent and ultimately a better product on the ice.” He wasn’t a fan of the Saturday/Sunday as it was very tiring making the journey from city to city before and after games.

During journeys by bus or car you may be thinking that your muscles aren’t working however, health specialists have said that your brain keeps small muscles working to match the movements from the vehicle which is why you feel tired after long journeys. As we already know playing sports whilst fatigued can increase risk of injury; this is the leading cause of injuries to players during busy schedules. So physically speaking the schedule should change to prevent injuries.

Finically teams may struggle with a Friday/Sunday schedule as a lot of teams make most of their profits on Saturday nights; Saturday night is hockey night in the UK, especially Kirkcaldy. Fife Flyers have been known for their Saturday night hockey therefore if they change it they may lose more fans and lose more money.

There is pros and cons to the EIHL schedule and whether it should change or not comes down to are teams willing to risk their profits or their players. Many fans don’t want the schedule to change but many do and this is the same with players.

Author: Calan Yule

Last Edited: 18/7/2024 - 12:50

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